Do you notice the tinest of tinys around you? funny how a dragonfly will stop,turn it's head & just look you head on,this little guy was like can I help you? 🤣 I've noticed little black bees around the flowers , Google says they're rare European black honey bees, did you know the green lizard puffs his chest out letting you know he's ready for a fight if need be lol & you have to be quick to catch the humming birds !
on a sewing note .....
the words endless options take on a whole new meaning lol now I know it's referring to the endless mix & match combos but just had to laugh when I noticed those two words stood out like a neon sign while making my makeover from sheet to robe😂 I lengthen the robe
to ankle length,the top band was perfect to incorporate for the sleeve ,instant cuff!😁buttttt I forgot to flip the pattern for one side of the front,to make it work with what was left I had to sew 2 pieces together to make the pattern fit ,now there's a seam🤔 so I cut the other side & sewed it back together so it'd be the same "options" 🤣 more on these options soon!
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