Our good ole crazy Ala .weather sent us another cold front with pouring rain & straight line wind damages in surrounding areas then a warm spurt came through ,neighbors caught the spring fever once again grilling,working in the yard & then yesterday🙆freezing! It's a chilly rainy day today so guess it'll be a good day to work on some sewing projects
A while back our college's theater building was in the process of moving & had a huge give away of fabrics laces,notions,you name it! I noticed a big box full of twin sized sheets ,granted I could of just picked up the box but I was nice & only took about 6🤣 they will go to good use as fillers,or backings or batting replacements which is what I did with Deliahs quilt
Playing around trying to decide if I want to cut 12" filler blocks for these patch blocks or just see them together
Have you dropped your needle & had to get a flashlight to find it?🤣 I had mentioned to my friend Ree how I wished there were gold needles & she informed me that they were 🤷well I been looking forever I said lol well I finally found them! hopefully these will be a game changer in my hand quilting lol
I came across some pictures of painted rocks🤔should I look for rocks ?🤣
I'm leaning towards a soft cottage pink for the layneigh this Spring
Pondering new ideas & collecting eye candy for the back yard
I may not accomplish anything but the tricycle looks but I'll have my pictures to dream & swoon over 🤣
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