Are you ready for the freshness of Spring? I want the backyard to have a totally new look for the veggies & flowers, if i cant have a picket fence ill paint the privacy fence white🤣so many ideas for the yard as well as the layneigh getting a new color theme,how about pink?
Nannas Sewing Room
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Quilt tops & Bumble Bees
Another one down ready for quilting
While following bumble bees around the yard Grace was intrigued with one if her own😄
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
A Little Rock Climbing🐕
For Grace not me🤣 Grace has been patient with me & by myside watching me sandwich another quilt together so off to the park we went squeezing in the last 30 minutes of daylight
The Limelite Hydrangea Is Blooming
The limelight has survived me trying to trim it 😄& will be twice its size in a few days & cascading over the top of the swing
Monday, March 24, 2025
How Long Would You Wait?
What's the longest you've waited for something you've luved ? 50 years? You heard right ! 50 yrs! 😄when we first married wayyyyy back in 74 Winn Dixie Grocery store carried the blue willow dishes ,we bought things we didn't need just to get those dishes 🤣 they'd promised the pink ones were next but it never happened ,yrs go by & you spot them in antique malls but cant touch um much less look$$$$$ scrolling through one of our local little antique spots we luved to scroll through had a big display 👀 restrained & walked away lol a week went by & decided I'd just get 4 & no more wellllll they were almost all gone Because shed marked them down so 8 place setting came home with me,oh glory! Was 50 yrs worth the wait? You bet ya! They will pair beautifully with my pink depressions
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Deliahs Quilt Is Finished!
It started out as a lap quilt but the more I thought about it,being a 4 yr old she'd probably want to sleep under it so I took the whole back off,added another row,another border & so on ,my fingers won't let me stitch 24/7 but it is what it is lol
The last stitch has been stitched & it is ready to deliver ,I can't wait to see her little face tomorrow
I hate it when the sun shine changes colors on things that I'm trying to take pics of ,I finally gave up & took it inside
Dreaming Of Pink
Are you ready for the freshness of Spring? I want the backyard to have a totally new look for the veggies & flowers, if i cant have a p...

Thought you'd enjoy a few sizing guide charts My trip to Etheridge Tenn to the Amish country with PARA our VA park & recreation ce...
The quilt top for Brambles Blooms Quilt top #1 is finished 🤔I think lol this quilt made me overthink more than any quilt I've made lol...
Working on it here & there, I finally got all the rows together,that's what I luv about the webbing technique,you always know where...