
Monday, June 3, 2024

A Little Bit Is Better Than None!

 The morning started off with a new recipe , Zucchini Fritters,they turned out dark so I had to lighten the pic to see them lol,I messaged Wholesome Yum & asked if there was a secret to not turning so dark, I'm hoping she'll share that secret 😄,anyways they tasted good

Do you hate to be on a sewing roll & have to stop to wind a new bobbin? There was some serious bobbin winding going on in the sewing room this morning lol!

Do you have days that you like to stay home? mine has been Monday as long as I can remember,just chill out at home,clean the house, sew ,read, paint, whichever mood strikes me lol catch up on bills etc.  granted I don't always get "my day" & today was one of them my cell ph Carrier got my phone all out of wack then cut my internet off saying I didn't have a plan🙆hours later for it to get all straightened out & as long as I was out I stoped by the mall& Joanns ,so what did I get done besides wind bobbins?🤣
got the pink blocks done for RSC still to catch up on yellows & get started on blues

Once trimmed up they will measure out 12",I got the keyboard border done for last yrs RSC quilt but I  didn't realize that my tension was off on 2 sides of the inner  polkadot border so I'm still unpicking 🤣 it doesn't seem like much got done today but a little is better than none😁 getting an early start in the morning on a new productive day!


  1. Doesnt look like you will be winding bobbins again soon! I love your pretty pink blocks and the fritters look delicious, much more exciting than my granola and yogurt. x

  2. Oh yum ! The zucchini fritters look absolutely delicious to me!!! My sewing stopped last night due to an empty bobbin; I will be winding mine today. Have a great Tuesday. Hugs.

  3. Some progress is better than none...I did end up buying a separate bobbin winder - for emergencies...but do prefer to have spares ready.


Rainy Days Are For Sewing & Cooking

 Nearing the home stretch on Deliahs quilt,I stitched down each row then turned it & went the opposite direction & now down to the l...