
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

No Sewing Just Yet

My Grace ๐Ÿ•is about stir crazy because we can't go to the park,I tell her I understand as I look over at my quilt longing to be finished lol
My hand is still swollen,my ring was cutting into my finger,I fought to get it off this morning ,nothing worse than that kind of panic mode 
Meanwhile Grace & me did enjoy a little time outside watching the beauty of nature come through the backyard

I did manage to cook spaghetti today ,as the noodles were boiling I reached for the handle cause you have to drain them right? when the Dr said no bending he wasn't kidding,a pain shot down that row of stitches so fast but then thank the Lord for strainers!

Today was better than yesterday & looking for tomorrow to be better than today

1 comment:

  1. ouch, hope you get better. We had spaghetti last night. Pretty pics you took. Janice


Early Morning Sewing

 I was going nonstop from starting with the last Dr appointment with my arm to running around looking for milk for baby piggies for a friend...