
Monday, August 12, 2024

Sewing Room Patiently Waiting & Surgery Update

 The sewing room that is 🤣 

I thought that I'd at least be able to work on small things like my stitch journal  but surgery on my arm to remove the skin cancer  was rougher than anticipated,2 layers of stitches inside & 1 row outside about 5-6" down my arm 

the location of it there wasn't really enough lose skin to pull up ,it took him & two nurses to squeeze it together as he stitched it as tight as he could get ,he almost did a skin graft but said I'd have a hard time getting over that ,I have to keep it wrapped till Wednesday then start putting Neosporin on it & wrapping it back as tight as I can get it & absolutely no bending it 

It took 7 needle pokes to deaden it & yes a few times I let out a little holler 😄I go back in 10 days to take out the stitches ,he told me he had to go as deep & long as he did to be able to get some new skin to send off to make sure all is clear,if not I'll have to go through this again,in a few hours the feeling will return in my arm & I am not looking forward to that

And now to manage making a lot of coffee with one arm  lol

1 comment:

  1. Oh I hate needles. Hope all goes well and you heal fast. I would have hollered too. Janice


Early Morning Sewing

 I was going nonstop from starting with the last Dr appointment with my arm to running around looking for milk for baby piggies for a friend...