About a month ago I checked this book out then got into Dr.visits & surgery on my arm till I couldn't finish it
I'd gotten up to page 100 only 270 to go la 😆 last week I checked out again with high hopes to making it to the finish line ,our library will automatically renew your books after 2 weeks
I'm not sure I'll read today but will strive to finish it this time lol ,the weather started out with a chilly 55 this morning , slowly climbing up to the 80's ,lots of odds & ends to take care of today , let's see how many things I accomplish today🤔
*straighten up the backyard
*take back the candy jars I borrowed
*load of things to purchase with a purpose thrift shop
* quilt binding
*slow stitching
*pay bills
*give Grace🐕a bath
the quilts are so decent and nice