
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Block prepping & Organizing

What's your idea for a block.parry? the design board & cutting table has exploded with blocks😄 

I'm thinking I need a few more lighter  of the large 12" blocks, a more variety of color for the tiny 9 patch,working on the canning jar blocks 

I'm thinking of turning my 1st in the series of 3 bramble blooms quilt challenge into a wall hanging  ,quilt #2 is hiding in the closet which I need to find & add the the party lol 

With all the block madness I managed to whip up a good dinner ,grilled squash & broccoli,fried potatoes & onions & grilled steak seasoned with garlic ,butter & paprika 

I'll work on getting more blocks together this evening  so's to have a good productive  day tomorrow 

1 comment:

  1. I have been working on my Bramble Blooms #3 all week and used a bunch of leftover blocks.


Tiny 9 Patch Blocks

 I got 67 tiny 9 patches trimmed up,1 was hiding & 4 waiting to be joined together  trimming wasn't working on a few but then notice...