What's the longest you've waited for something you've luved ? 50 years? You heard right ! 50 yrs! 😄when we first married wayyyyy back in 74 Winn Dixie Grocery store carried the blue willow dishes ,we bought things we didn't need just to get those dishes 🤣 they'd promised the pink ones were next but it never happened ,yrs go by & you spot them in antique malls but cant touch um much less look$$$$$ scrolling through one of our local little antique spots we luved to scroll through had a big display 👀 restrained & walked away lol a week went by & decided I'd just get 4 & no more wellllll they were almost all gone Because shed marked them down so 8 place setting came home with me,oh glory! Was 50 yrs worth the wait? You bet ya! They will pair beautifully with my pink depressions
That is a long time to wait - but you will enjoy them now.