
Monday, March 24, 2025

How Long Would You Wait?


What's the longest you've waited for something you've luved ? 50 years? You heard right ! 50 yrs! 😄when we first married wayyyyy back in 74 Winn Dixie Grocery  store carried the blue willow dishes ,we bought things we didn't need just to get those dishes 🤣 they'd promised the pink ones were next but  it never happened ,yrs go by & you spot them in antique malls but cant touch um much less look$$$$$ scrolling through one of our local little antique spots we luved to scroll through had a big display 👀 restrained & walked away lol a week went by & decided  I'd just get 4 & no more wellllll they were almost all gone Because shed marked them down so 8 place setting came home with me,oh glory! Was 50 yrs worth the wait? You bet ya! They will pair beautifully with my pink depressions 

These are my blue willows I've had sine 74 I will always luv them ,cant wait to transition the hutch with the pinks

1 comment:

  1. That is a long time to wait - but you will enjoy them now.


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