
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Gardening Cronicals,organizing, Adventures

 the squash plants are happy,just look at all those blooms!

nothing sweeter than seeing the beginnings of groceries growing 😂

are you always looking for pen & paper to jot down a number or a recipe  etc.?You know all those envelopes you get with bills & junk mail ? a little trimming up & you've got scratch paper lol

after picking up one of my nieces from work the other day we ventured out to what you'd call one of those hole in the wall restaurants lol tucked inside a store it was quite good & worth the trip lots of little shops & antique shops for another trip as they were closed

cows,lots of cows!

Monday, June 26, 2023

Notice The Little Things

 Do you notice the tinest of tinys around you? funny how a dragonfly will stop,turn it's head & just look you head on,this little guy was like can I help you? 🤣 I've noticed little black bees around the flowers , Google says they're rare European black honey bees, did you know the green lizard puffs his chest out letting you know he's ready for a fight if need be lol & you have to be quick to catch the humming birds !

on a sewing note .....

the words endless options take on a whole new meaning lol now I know it's referring to the endless mix & match  combos but just had to laugh when I noticed those two words stood out like a neon sign while making my makeover from sheet to robe😂 I lengthen the robe
to ankle length,the top band was perfect to incorporate for the sleeve ,instant cuff!😁buttttt I forgot to flip the pattern for one side of the front,to make it work with what was left I had to sew  2 pieces together to make the pattern fit ,now there's a seam🤔 so I cut the other side & sewed it back together so it'd be the same  "options" 🤣 more on these options soon!

Thursday, June 22, 2023

A Day On The Layneigh & Little Things

 The blue on the mourning doves hold a glorious beauty all on their own, I luv  when this couple comes,watching them cuddle& coo

It's been one of those days where you're busy doing something all day that nobody will ever see nor know you did it lol like cleaning out the flower & garden beds,vacuuming & detailing b the inside of the car... LoL

there's a few more little ears of corn starting to appear 

 breakfast always seems to taste better on the layneigh

the rose bushes are doing great,I have 3 knockout rose bushes,2 queen Ann's,1 driftwood with multicolored roses,a lot of new buds this morning shows signs of happy rose bushes,I eventually want to incorporate other colors throughout the back yard this Summer

Grace 🐕& me started our morning chilling on the layneigh & ended about the same way watching another day come to an end in-between all these little much needed things to be done

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Where's The Beef?

A good ole vegetable plate, Park & Sewing Ideas ,
remember that saying where's the beef? when you'd take a bite of your burger only to get a mouth full of bread?😄 today I just wanted to cook up some good ole veggies,you don't always need meat to complete or make a meal good & as long as there's cornbread it's gotta be good!

before taking Sadie home went to the park & fed the ducks,the house sure is quite without our furry houseguest

on a sewing note there's a bottom sheet that's been missing for years & today I decided the top sheet will become a housecoat,you may like to say robe I just say housecoat lol

Monday, June 19, 2023

Excited Over New Projects ??LOL

What kind of quilt will it be? huh? huh? LoL Grace & Sadie's excitement changes when I tell them this will not be a quilt,oh the looks! LoL Sadie be like " what you mean it's not a quilt!" & Grace ,well that look is priceless ,like ,"don't even talk to me!"

still enjoying Sadie's company,we got in some lazy time just sitting out on the layneigh watching the sun go down yesterday evening

the veggies are starting to take off as I noticed there are now 3 banana peppers,the 1st little squash has appeared along with the 1stveggplant bloom,not much just yet but enough to get excited about 😄

we've got more rain & thunder this morning ,hopefully it'll subside soon & we can get out to the park before having to take Sadie home,oh & the "quilt I'm not making" is a robe😄

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Blessed Sunday

 Wishing all my online friends a beautiful & blessed day,many will celebrate Fathers Day today & a blessed day to them as well! 

Dad passed away a little less than five years ago but I still miss the visits,the celebrating & no matter how old we got there was still that good ole fatherly advice but more deeply missed is my soulmate,he was the love of my life,we were shy 3 yrs to our 50th,plans were to retire & travel with the kids & grands ,7 yrs. ago all that changed,I will never stop missing him but this one thing I know God is still God & he's been good to me

it's been a quite but exciting weekend with Sadie 🐕 here while her  hu'mans are outta town

Sadie (L) Grace (R)

Friday, June 16, 2023

Soups On ! & Border Decisions

 the red & white quilt blocks are ready to be sewn together ,now to decide on borders & backing, the little corner snippits are getting turned into 2" blocks

the doves were checking out the layneigh,perhaps trying to figure out how to get to the seeds I keep by the back door😄

upon taking my neice to work this morning,my great nephew sent me home with homemade soup,tried it for lunch ,& it was pretty good

Grace loved it & anything Grace approved is a winner🤣

Linking up with

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Raindrop Kisses

There's just something magically beautiful about those raindrop kisses after a Spring rain

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Pickels & 20 Blocks Later

 I haven't made bread ,& butter pickles in years & just got a taste for them ,12 half pints make for just enough for one! I finished up the last of the red & white star blocks today

I was hoping to show the layout but things came up & had to take my niece to the Dr.& now almost an hr. away at the hospital but will post them ASAP,I discovered the little triangle corners that got cut off made the cutest 2" block

lunch was simple veggies & cornbread,do you ever just crave a good plate of fresh veggies?

Sunday Inspiration