
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Im Out!

 13 bobbins later I have the flannel quilt top finished,blocks are from left over blocks from a previous quilt,the reds are from when I did dolls back in the day & the purple blend from my stash 

as it is now it measures  49X49 

I was debating whether to add a row top & bottom but I think it's big enough for a good lap quilt,Grace & me tested it out  lol

Grace says hurry & get it quilted mama!

For the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge this year I'm going with a 12" block so far I'm thinking I'll only need two each month, Feb. was red & March is purple, not sure what color Angela will choose for April but I'm all caught up!

for the tiny nine patch challenge I'm not sure how I let myself get so far behind, I made 24 giving me a total of 59 to date leaving 31 to catch up "hopefully by Monday"

In the beginning I was ever so carefully sewing these little 1 1/2" sqs till it dawned on me to do the strip method 

I did let myself out more today, lockdown will make you hungry🤣 I tried a new thing today,along with the sweet potatoes,butter,little oil & sugar to make yams I threw some onions in the mix but just a few because I didn't want to waste my candied yams if it turned out nasty 🤣 actually it wasn't bad,they soaked up the butter & sugar & took on a mild taste of the candied yams

I've always been told never say you don't like something if you haven't tried it so there you have it! Candied yams & onions,took me over 50 yrs but I stepped out of the box🤣🤣 although there are some things I will never try no not ever!🤣 have you tried anything out of the norm?

1 comment:

  1. Your flannel top does look nice and warm. Your RSC blocks are looking good too. I will try anything once! xx


Early Morning Sewing

 I was going nonstop from starting with the last Dr appointment with my arm to running around looking for milk for baby piggies for a friend...