
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Rainey Day Visitors & Seed Startings

 Look who came out in the rain! Mr Jay was happy to find peanuts in the mix,I'm not sure why Woodey won't eat from the bird bath feeder,he's determined to hang onto the feeder for dear life😄

I got over half of the flower seeds that I picked up a few days ago planted into seed starter cups 👀 now we wait

the cuttings from my camellias & azelias were budding so I transfered them into a pot of dirt 🤔I wonder if you could see the roots grown if you planted things in clear plastic cups,do you ever wonder?🤣

spotted some daffodils on the side of the church Sunday

another good meal at home on this rainy day

candied yams,collards,stewed squash & onions,grilled beef patty with just a touch of bbq sauce,sweet tea

1 comment:

  1. Mmm. What time is dinner? I am headed over. LOL. Now that is comfort food. I bought some more seeds for the garden today. I also bought a fern. I am looking forward to moving my plants outdoors soon. Have a wonderful day, Helen.


What's For Dinner?

 This is football weekend so you definitely don't want to get out in the crazy traffic ,unless you're going to the game 😄so it was ...