
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Do Certain Colors Draw You?

 Through the years I've not thought of myself as a blue person when it comes to decorating ,yet I'm drawn to blue & white patch quilts ,there may be 3 things in my wardrobe that's blue

As I'm cleaning out & pulling out the sewing room I glanced up at my design board 👀 the blue one is speaking to me 🤣

there's already 2 waiting patiently to be quilted ,about 3 waiting to be sewn into tops not counting this one I started,it all started by cutting 5" squares to organize my scraps but turned into another quilt project just because I wanted to see what it'd look like🤣

So why is this blue block screaming at me to make a blue quilt with blue blocks like these,🙆does my mind not know that'd be another quilt!🤣🤣

with so much to do to get the sewing room back in order maybe this feeling will pass🤣🤣

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Backyard Wonders

 Butterfly's fluttering,bees buzzing  having a feast of nectar & pollen off the flowers & squash plants