
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Comfort Food & A Little Sewing

 It was extremely hot today & had I not needed to go to the drug store I wouldn't of got out lol, hot days call for quick comfort foods like grilled chicken,steamed cabbage,squash,fresh tomatoes & homemade lemonade

While I had to be out I swung by Lowes for a few flowers & vegetable plants,Grace & Sadie doing their flower inspection 

Sadie hung out in the sewing room with me while I made one lonely block

1 comment:

  1. I bought a few Begonias for one more pot of blooms. Your assortment looks like fun.


All Caught Up On RSC

 In-between finishing up the color wash quilt I squeaked in two blue blocks for RSC (rainbow scrappy challenge) I've been thinking I was...