
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Ravelry 2024 Summer UFO Club

Another quarter for Revelry's UFO challenge, list 5 or more UFO projects & finish at least 1 within the 3 month period,last quarter I was soooo close ,since there were so many little pieces to my blocks I opted  to quilt it on the machine,with just the binding to go,the bobbin case popped out & refused to go back in then when it looked like I'd meet the deadline the needle broke, so here we go one more time 😄 in my Hase to finish I didn't realize the tension also messed up so I had to practically unpick over half the quilt ,I will hand stitch it this go round 🤣

I've been trying to finish up the mason jar quilt for 2 years,maybe this will be it's year lol 

Those chickens still flying around🤣

Still looking for a pretty fabric to back the red & white top

Why does scrappy cause overthinking ? LoL  borders? no border? mix the colors? group the colors? I can't wait to see what my mind lets me do🤣

I've pretty much made up my mind to not add borders to the 16 patch top but things can change in three months lol

Last quarters Bramble Blooms challenge   top just needs quilting unless I make it bigger 🤔  quilt #2 in the challenge is underway as well

Hoping for a lot of finished progress within these next 3 months for this challenge

1 comment:

  1. Great projects, Helen! So sorry for the trouble with last quarter's quilt finish. Better luck this time!


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 The cast of the Tuscaloosa Children's Theater did an amazing performance of The Wizard Of Oz ,I picked my niece Tracy up after she got ...