
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Beginnings of Fall Fluffing

 I pulled out my Fall Rag quilt,pillows will be added to the bench later

started decorating the mantel in the living room

I rotated my coffee cups Spring got bumped up to the top,Fall got bumped to the bottom,along about Nov they'll trade places with the Christmas ones, what's on the other side? everyday & insperational 

I promoted my blue pottery one to the Fall collection,it actually get s to hang with all the seasons cause it keeps my coffee nice & hot
My Fall cup collection

My custom made one is my absolute favorite!

Do you have a favorite Fall coffee cup or mug?
I also have a collection of tumblers,my neice made this one ,beautiful Fall colors but it also reminds me of colors of a beautiful sunset

On a sewing note,I managed to get the Serger rethreaded & finished up 5 more pillowcases for RYANS CASE FOR SMILES today,figured out how to get into my sewing machine so the bulb can get changed,it's the little things that can make a big difference lol!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

To Do Tuesday.

Things to get done or "try to done between Aug.39- Sept.4 ,surely I can finish something in a week right? LoL,the ideal is to make a list,the goal is to finish 🤔maybe start? Lol Anywho it's my first time to play😁


#1 finish pillowcases for Ryans Case For Smiles 

#2 teal blocks for RSC

#3 (2)cut out dresses sewn together 

#4 decorate for Fall

#5 tackle those lazy Daisy stitches on my embroidery

Monday, August 28, 2023

From Pool To Museum

 It doesn't seem we're as old as we are untill we start saying things like 60 years ago.....😄 back in the day as many Aunts & cousins that could fit in a car & I'm talking sitting on each other's laps😄we'd go to the big swimming pool know as Queen City Pool & take swimming lessons

The pool has been filled in but the original building still stands

The edges of the water depth is the only thing that remains of the pool,we spent many a times on those cement bleachers waiting for our turn for swimming lessons,the doors at the back of the building led out to the pool 

years & came & went since those fond childhood memories,the bath house is now  museum of the areas History,one section is dedicated to the history of the pool

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Slow Sunday Stitching

It hasI've recently taking up learning to embroidery,I was told I'd luv it,that it would be soothing 🤔well I do luv it but lawd have mercy it's tedious!🤣I finally got the leaves done ,I noticed on the back that 2 look just like the front & the other 2 are outlined ,guess I finally got it right by leaf 3🤣

speaking of slow going one of the Serger threads broke while being on a good roll making pillowcases for Ryans Case For Smiles,oh how I hate to thread that thing but it must be done 🙆

It has been years since I've been to our local Library so long in fact that I had to fill out an application lol a few books on embroidery stitches of course & threw in Fall baking & gardening 😊 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

RSC Yellows & Embroidering

 After rounding out about 24 blocks for my RSC 23 quilt I started playing around with different ideas 🤔now it looks like I've started another quilt🤣

so later I'll continue the larger yellow ,not sure if they'll get turned into a yellow quilt & go into next year's UFO box😅 sashing? solid blocks? background color? more decisions just because I had to play with the scraps😅 with 2-3 months to go for the RSC challenge my blocks are busting outta their baggie🤣

Do you embroidery? go for it they said, you'll luv it they said ,it's sootheing they said, soooooo when does the soothing part kick in? this is tideious!🤣I finally got the leaves finished, I think I've got the back stich down as that's what's required for the stems but oh those lazy daisies 😅

my serger came unthreaded,oh how I hate to thread that thing,but it must be done in order to finish up the pillowcases that I'm making for Ryans Case For Smiles & finishing up a few UFO'S flying around the sewing room,untill next time,happy sewing!

Friday, August 25, 2023

Fall Is Coming Spite Those 112 Heat Indexes

 walks in the park are getting far in-between these days with temps in  the high 100's & getting hotter by the minute,but spite this crazy heat signs of Fall are appearing along side the river banks 

 took Grace for a quick walk after taking my neice to work,little peeks of Fall popping out showing signs of hope for cooler weather is coming

where there's a tree with a hole there's need for investigation lol

have you started seeing touches of Fall? I think I shall get out the Fall decor this weekend ,a little early perhaps but nobody will see it but me 🤔wait,you will cause you know I'll show it to you🤣

Sunday Inspiration