
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Happy New Years Eve

 How are you ringing in the new year? I worked on one of my quilts ,the light doesn't do the colors justice,used what I had , burgundy with gold tones & green polka dot fabrics pieced together to make a back for the little house quilt 

Do you ever have a taste for something but don't want to make a lot ? one potatoes,2 boiled eggs,a few chopped pickles & a little mayo & you've got potatoes salad for one to two,put  a beef patty on the little George,cook some veggies & it's umm umm good!

3 rows of hand stitching done on the blue quilt,I will continue to stitch on it throughout January 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Best Of 2023

Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs is hosting Best of 2023 but sure to go by - sign up & visits all the wonderful participants!

I didn't think I'd done that much until I started backtracking my blog post but most definitely want to do more quilting wise in 24!

I got got out some scraps & tried my hand at potholders ,with the insulbrite in-between guess they're hot pads lol

I made a small ironing pad to keep beside my machine for pressing those quilt blocks,sure saves time jumping up & down to the ironing board

I wanted a spring cottage like quilt,I totally luv it all made with scraps & a heavy robe for those cold mornings

I made a set of paisley print pillowcases to coordinated with my grey sheets,pulled out some scraps from my jar quilt I'm working on & made up some pot holder/hot pads for my niece

I made a few aprons for the kitchen,I'm torn between the farmhouse look & the cottagee look ,I luv them both! also pillows from scraps fabrics for the layneigh 

I needed & wanted a robe & there was this top sheet that the bottom sheet has been missing for years "I think one of the kids took it by mistake one Christmas while spending the night but no one will confess"😄so I just made a robe out of it lol

more tweaking in the kitchen with pillows matching the apron theme,sweeked out just enough fabric for a table runner& what I think is my favorite for the year,a heavy flannel tie quilt

I was happy that I could participate in Ryan's Case For Smiles again this year,pillowcases are collected for Childrens Cancer Hospitals

I joined a quilt block drive for children's quilts ,I was  honored to be able to because part of this drive ,I made 46 blocks in various animal prints that will go towards being turned into quilts for a children's cancer hospital

2022 did not end well for the little houses quilt it ended up in the scrap bin but this yr I pulled it out took it all apart resized.& reconstructed along with new colors for the borders,the 2023 RSC quilt top is completed,im debating whether to add a border of the little blocks in a light fabric 🤷

A finish for the long going red & white star quilt top 

So many plans & ideas for the new year, all in all there's just 2 UFOs rolling into 2024 
* 2023 RSC (rainbow scrap challenge) top quilted
*red & white star  top quilted
I can live with that!😁
I plan to get them finished up by the end of Jan & restrain from new projects till I do🙊did I just say that😄 there's 3 days left in this month let's count today so to have 4🤣 non quilting projects to finish
*zipper in a jumpsuit
*sleeves & hem in a dress


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

I Think I Can! I Think I Can!

 counting today there's 5 days left in this month & we'll be finished with all those UFOs ,right?😄

I had big plans for sewing today, especially getting the zipper in my jumpsuit,my friend Ree fitted one of her zipper foots to my machine & I was ready to get this baby finished but guess what I did! Left the cord & petal foot at her house & sitting here waiting on her to return my call so I can go get it🙆

determined to have a productive sewing day I pulled out my quilt that I'm hand stitching

hopefully I can get up with my friend & retrieve my petal foot & get busy with these UFOs,so how's your day going? is it going or has it got up & went?😄

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Got Collards?

 I don't think I've seen so many collards in one place😄 a dear friend Ree was blessed with 3 big as life boxes full ,4 hrs into you were done with the collards then onto the lettuce

Some had the most gorgeous deep purple vein running through them &  around the edges,my first  of ever seeing purple cabbage
Now I've seen curly lettuce but curly cabbage? seriously where've  I been?🤣and it has an aroma that smells like it'd taste so good! she sent me home with some & I can't wait to try it!

I made sure to stay on my side of the table ,Ree was showing that machete as she called it who was boss🤣

we did manage to go get a yummy bar-b-q plate at a local rib restaurant just minutes from her house,lots of laughs,lots of chopping, & lots of coffee & making plans for some serious sewing days together in the upcoming new year

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Tidbits Of What's Been Going On

 We had Sadie yesterday,& the weather warmed up just enough to make a run to the park but boy is it cold today!

then off to another fun place

more bird watching in the back yard this morning

within the next few days I'm hoping to get my little house quilt quilted,catch you up on my Tour Of Lights  party,what are the most pictures you've ever put in one post? I may need to do a part 2 & 3🤣 

I Absolutely luv watching the sky change colors as the sun sets 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Early Visitors & Quilting In The Bed

 It finally got cold enough to pull out my flannels tie quilt that I'd worked so long on

the birds did not disappoint on  this cold morning

I remember seeing the first little yellow finch come to the feeder thinking someone's parakeet got loose lol do you have a favorite spot to quilt? whether I'm sitting at the machine,in my rocker,on the couch,sitting at the cutting table ,Grace will find a way to snuggle up to the new quilt, when you need to go to bed but you wantta work on your quilt lol 

how do you quilt in the bed you ask? put your mini cutting mat under it in your lap🤣

when you get sleepy,just lay in the floor to the side of the bed,roll over & go to sleep,I think I've just discovered a way to get all those quilts quilted a lot faster🤣

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Holiday Calories Don't Count

 Holiday breakfasts are the best! and even better calories & carbs don't count ,good thing we have our leggings,right?😄

my Tour Of Lights went well till one tree decided to be cantankerous & keep falling over ,yes even in the pretty there's gotta be a hot mess somewhere,anyways more on all that  later,time for more coffee😁

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday Inspiration

 With the weekend coming to a close may your day be as amazing as you'd  hoped it be

Friday, December 15, 2023

Walk Away From The Scissors!


This is true on so many levels😄 if you're a seamstress the best way to endure lives to be spared is to buy a pair of decorative scissors ,I've had a snowman handle pair for yrs,how does this help you ask🤔  what kind are they? CHRISTMAS what do we cut with scissors for Christmas? PAPER so if those handles aren't Christmas related you best be putting them back unless you want  to be ripped apart with the seam ripper🤣🤣🤣 ok ok maybe I need more coffee 🤔or maybe not 🤣🤣

Dont forget to hide the ✂️,! LoL

Sunday Inspiration