
Friday, May 31, 2024

Border Decisions& New Ideas For Noodles

 I put a grey polka dot border on the color wash top & was thinking of doing a keyboard border next but now I'm thinking that might take away from the look of the color wash🤷 leaving it as is will make a good snuggle on the couch size🤷taking the border off & replacing it with a 4" border would bump it back to full size🤷am I overthinking? absolutely!I wanted this finished today🤣

Grace  checking on her rooster lol when she was a puppy she'd try her best to get my sister's cement rooster to play with her😄a few years back i found a metal one so I just say it's her rooster ,she's so funny she got excited when I pulled him outta the shed🤣

Even the doves were checking out the new flower bed

For dinner I had a beef pattie going on the little grill, broccoli steaming I'm the microwave when I changed my mind midstream 🤣 on the bright side tomorrows dinner's done! left over spaghetti noodles,cherry tomatoes sauteed in oil butter & seasonings & broccoli,sometimes made up things just taste best!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Good day😁

 Working on a few block layouts, getting these 2 together & 2 yellows & I'll be caught up on the rainbow scrappy blocks,blue will kick off June

I absolutely luv zinnias, got one flower bed down this morning 

The backyard was full of beauty this morning 

I luv watching the little bumble bees buzz around,if they gather anymore pollen they won't be able to fly lol 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Flower Haul ,& A Clean Sewing Room

 Grace & me got our Zinnia haul in ,I think I got a little over 30 & over most have 2 or 3 in them @ $1 a container so basically not I have ,60 plus holes to dig 🤣I've heard lemon grass repels mosquitoes,I'm not sure if it doesn't but I luv how it smells lemony 

I spent all day the other day cleaning the sewing room & getting everything back in order,it was such a mess there wasn't room to make a mess 🤣

Lots of progress on the garrage yesterday,got quite a bit to the curb & the cars loaded down for the thrift store

I'm so tired I couldn't even tell you my name right now if you asked me 🤣 I think the best way to recooperate is to sit at the sewing machine🤣

This  is what tired looks like 🤣

Monday, May 27, 2024

Need To Paint,New Recipes &Need To Get To Sewing!

 Well that title was a mouth full wasn't it?😄 Looking through my lastest painting notebook I realized I haven't painted in over a year! 

June is coming up pretty quick & I have a few challenges that I'm finishing up to get in on the midnight deadline June 1st, family birthdays & my main event!I'm taking my first trip with PARA I think 30 signed up , departure is 8am & return 6pm  5 different stops plus lunch in Ethrige GA in Amish country ,so I'm thinking to squeeze in some painting time in July 

Do you like to experiment & try new recipes? I've tried a few new to me keto & low carb recipes that are keepers & worthy to be added to the recipe box



tomorrow I have people coming to help clear out my carport you literally can't see the floor 😄so today's plans are to go one of our local nurseries & get flowers then get borders on  this quilt top & ready for quilting 

grey polkadot for borders,I'm also comptiplating a keyboard border as well depending how big it will be after the grey border as I don't want anything larger than Full size,the blueish grey is for the backing

Hopefully this can be my status at the end of the day 😄

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Working On Slow Stitching

 Working on a section of the back of my slow stitch journal , hopefully the more I work on it the better it'll look ,it's hard not to overthink it 🤣

I made 6 more scrappy blocks which brings the total up to 88 ,I'm not sure but I think that's enough if I add borders , I'll redo the math & figure all that out in the next few days

I've had family graduations back to back & now that they're all over with hopefully I can get back  full swing in the sewing room 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Another Graduation Under The Belt

 So proud of my great nieces Abigail & Olivia  graduating to the 6th grade,along with various awards & both receiving an award for A/B honor roll for the whole year 

A perfect backdrop of God's glorious creation for graduation pictures then ending the night with family at their favorite Mexican restaurant 

On a sewing note: I've been working on a top that's giving me fits lol, I set out this morning to quilt the RSC  2023 quilt top00 but I think I want to add borders

Monday, May 20, 2024

A Busy Weekend

 There was a lot going on this past weekend & the only sewing I got in was 2 quilt blocks 

Graduation for one of my great nephews

Tomorrow there'll be another graduation for my twin great nieces

Sadie spent the weekend with me ,she got introduced to almond flour waffles lol her & my Grace keep me laughing with their face expressions 

My Drift roses are blooming,I luv my knockout roses but I need more of these in my life lol

We did squeeze in some bird watching from the backyard 

Honoring our seniors & collage graduates at church 

Tomorrow will be graduation for my great nieces & I think I'm good for the rest of the week. the plans for today are 
Stay home
Clean house "in spurts"🤣
Sew Sew Sew some more 🤣
Make something with one or more of these fabrics

It's still early morning & so far I've had 2 cups of coffee,washed a load of cloths,"that may be the exstent of my cleaning"🤣off to the kitchen to make a good breakfast of eggs bacon & toast & get this day started!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Cahaba Lilies

 A short adventure just a little less than an hour away ,what an adventure as we introduced Sadie to the Cahaba River where the lilies are in full bloom

The girls 🐕🐕 were tired when we got back to the house ,"me too" so it was quick & easy for dinner,I cooked a patty on the little grill & made a burger with romain lettuce,fried roasted tomatoes,cheese& mayo along side sweet potatoes fries

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Chillin In The Backyard

Do you ever have a post ready but fall asleep?🤣 yesterday was spent most of the day waiting on the lawn service to arrive so it was a laid back day for Grace & Sadie playing in the back yard ,chillin on the layneigh & watching the birds as the day came to an end

I sewed a little ,"very little"😄Sadie says this is the smallest quilt she's ever seen🤣

Sunday Inspiration