
Monday, October 30, 2023

What's On The Cutting Table Today?

 More like the cutting floor to cut this swing dress out🤣 one of my favorite go to patterns is simplicity 7203 I'd made this green swing dress using a sweet friends pattern a few yrs back,we later made me a pattern , I'd lost the pattern # & had to Google old post then a pic but now I have the # on my paper pattern

about  2 yrs ago I'd cut out a silky peach polka dot in the longer versions,the seasons seemed to speed by & there seemed no need to whip it up being too cool,well here we are again in Oct. going into Nov. so I'm using it as a pattern lol

the light doesn't do it justice as it's a deep 💜 purple,I'm making this one in a longer version & it's also for a dress challenge I signed up for,there's a lot that's been happening over the last few days to catch you up on but today this is priory & getting the quilt blocks for children's quilts ready to ship out,within the week I will sit down & finally put this peach dress together,with our crazy weather I may can squeeze one wear out of it paired with a long sweater lol

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Soup That Wouldn't Go Away

 I'm not sure if you've  heard me mention how I won't go all the way to the store just for one thing,I'll Google & make it work lol with that being said I'd made a simple basic cabbage & tomato soup,I cooked down about 1/4 of a cabbage then added a large can of petite diced tomatoes & 1 can of water,using the tomato can,who knows that'd make a big pot lol after a few days I got to thinking how good it'd be with potatoes,I finally worked up to needing a few things so I took my chance to grab 2 potatoes,2 people just two & they weren't that big!now I have a big pot again🙆after the second go around of it with the potatoes I called my niece who lives like 8min.   from me & told her I would as bringing her this soup, it won't go away & I'd had enough of it🤣


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Showcasing The Dinosaurs

Cynthia s quilt drive color theme for compassion quilts is popsicle colors,fussy cut dinosaurs take center stage to farm animals fish etc all trimmed up & ready to go,be sure to pop over for a visit & see all the wonderful quilts shes made !

I previously made pillowcases for Ryan's Case For Smiles & had quite a bit of leftovers,what a better use for them than turning them into quilt blocks for some sweet child to snuggle up with 

I will make another post with the other blocks when I get them finished up & trimmed 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Weekend Happenings & A Little Sewing

 I still have Sadie up till tomorrow,her & Grace had such a big day at the park the other day we've been hanging low at the house,they were content to play outside

I tried a new keto recipe,I don't do full blown keto as there's too much sodium & carbs for me but there are recipes that are delicious! I came across this broccoli chicken casserole & was good enough to be a keeper


rotisserie chicken

8oz.cream cheese softened

1 bag 12oz.broccoli


1c.chedder cheese for topping

1 tsp.garlic powder

1/2 tsp. pepper

1/4 tsp. salt

Mix,top with cheese & bake till cheese is melted & bubbly about 20 min

**I used 5 tenders grilled on my little George,1/2ed the recipe using what I had which was 1c chopped broccoli,mixture of 3 cheese's hanging out in the fridge,always use what you have ,Google for alternatives,make it your own & it'll still come out good!

I've been working on more quilt blocks for children's quilts that will get shipped out soon!

looking for butterfly's in the backyard,so many species are coming through migrating for the winter

upon letting them out last night they seemed to have gotten their second wind & decided it was playtime just before bedtime lol

have you ever said,there's room for one more thing on my plate?lol well I joined Pattern Reviews little basic dress contest which is   one dress two looks,3 photos, 1 just the dress,1 as day,casual look, 1 night,dressy look & review in by midnight the end of the month "this month"! 😄

how dull would our lives be without a little crazy 🤣🤣meanwhile let's ponder that with a good cup of coffee acompied with peach cobbler!


1c. sugar

1 c. flour

1c. milk

1 stick butter

melt the butter in a 9" baking dish

add large can of peaches

do not stir!

mix sugar,flour & milk ,pour over top of butter & peaches & juice

do not stir!

it can be tempting I know lol just gently distribute the peaches if you like

back 350 till golden brown about 30 min

So that's our weekend ,looking forward to a good productive week ahead,Grace & Sadie have already put in a request to go to the park🤣

Friday, October 20, 2023

Ducks! Ducks! & More Ducks!

 Sadies🐕 "parents' had to go outta town so she gets to stay with us a whole week!upon picking her up yesterday morning I took her & Grace to our favorite park which is actually a little road trip  an hour away,we always try to remember to take bread to feed the ducks & yesterday they did not disappoint! with duck overload & Fall slowly setting in it was a beautiful morning even with the misty rain ☔ so are you ready for picture overload? LoL

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Beautiful Simple Day

 Just a simple day of birdwatching & butterfly's in the backyard

We have baby Jay's

Keeping lunch simple with cabbage & tomato soup

And of course dessert has to be simple with just 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies

A run to the park

Sometimes you just have to have a little simplicity in your life & enjoy exhaling & embracing the wonders of God's beauty

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Piecing & Webbing Completed

 I came across Terry Rowlands  You Tube videos where she shows how to piece & webb a quilt,I luv this method ❤️ no worries about getting your rows outta order blocks falling out ,it's all held together like a spider web till your ready to sew the rows together,I may start doing all my blocks this way!

Linking up with 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday Insperation

 therefore I WILL LOOK unto the Lord,I WILL WAIT for the God of my salvation ,MY GOD WILL HEAR ME (Mich.7:7)

waiting can be hard but it is in those times that God is moving nightly on our behalf ,give it to God,lay it at his feet ,look to him,trust him,wait with assurance that he heard you & simply pray,believe, wait & watch God move right on time!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

So Close !

 I think I may be done lol at least almost!I've come to the conclusion that the color wash idea will have be for another time when i have fabrics that blend into each other better,so back to the ole faithful scrappy ! 😅I like a good 56X66 for a good lap size give or take an inch ,my blocks are 4"so that'll roughly be within the 56X66 range without borders 🤔I either need to do less or no borders or continue on with borders & let it be the size it wants to be lol

today's been mostly a day of sewing,sorting & arranging quilt blocks & a little backyard bird watching,the purple finch,red bird & doves seem to get along good together,a younger jay came today,the chickadees were out but they seem to want the feeders to themselves

Monday will tell the tale on the scrappy quilt ,the plan is to have it figured out & string sewn together before overthinking sets in again 😅


Sunday Inspiration