
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Squeaking Out More Blocks

 I sweaked out 6 more 9 patch blocks in-between my day , but m looking forward to having time for a lockdown in the sewing room with myself in a few days🤣 

that brings the total up to 14 blocks ,it doesn't look like very many when pushing them all together,but now the verdict of 26 more for a full size verse's 6 for a nice sized lap size🤔

I'm not in a hurry persay for this one as it's not for any challenge ,just one of those no rhyme or reasons lol my main focus is getting the 2023 RSC quilted & a few other flimsy's ,so much has changed in the quilting word terminology like I think I'm the only dinasour that still says "quilt top"  not gonna lie ,googled flimsy when I first heard it🤣🤣

Off to help my niece with VBS then back to working on this one,one more grey border ,sew on keyboard borders ,sandwich it all together with batting & backing by midnight for sure!.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cake Or Pancakes?

These keto friendly low carb mug cakes come in carrot cake,blueberry, chocolate , strawberry & lemon poppy ,if you're going for a mug size portion,better open 2 but then that defeats the purpose 😄 so I use my little square Corning Ware dish,I usually add strawberries to the lemon poppy & squeeze lemon juice over it & enjoy with a cup of coffee but this morning I did a thing 🤣added a few blueberries to the mix ,garnished with fresh blueberries & topped with pancake syrup so now the lemon cake is a lemon blueberry pancake🤣 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Slow Stitching & Butterfly's

 Almost done with my slow stitch cover,whoever came up with the term slow stitch hit the nail on the head 🤣 just a few more things & then I'll get started on the pages

There was a white cabbage butterfly fluttering around the zinnas this morning,I think it's the first one I've seen,every little movement showed a different color & texture of his wings, absolutely beautiful!

Today's the first day of Summer, surprisingly the weather was pleasant,there were a few times that there was an overcast like it might rain  

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My Taste Testers

 I've been sewing & quilting in spurts ,yesterday was a fun filled day watching my nieces grandbabies ,you know you're old when the nieces & nephews had kids & their kids have kids🤣 anyways they made the perfect taste testers for a new recipe with almond flour for peanutbutter balls

I just made half of the recipe & it's just enough ,after all the more there is the more we'll eat right? LoL


1c. peanutbutter 

1/3 c. low carb maple syrup 

2/3 c.almond flour

mix ingredients & chill for 10-15 if needed to form balls 

keep refrigerated in an air tight container

** I don't buy maple syrup,too sweet for my taste,so I used honey instead  adding a little at a time till I had the desired sweetness 

Monday, June 17, 2024


 I have a niece that was always telling me & my sister we need to always get a little culture in our lives😄 there's a local art show that takes place  twice a month  locally that I enjoy browsing & getting a little culture in my life😄 

Lots of interesting booths outside from pottery to poured glass jewelry which I'm seriously considering taking a class,I met a beautiful lady who's an artist & bought a few of her prints 

I luv that all her work has a story ,the yellow tabby was her mother's cat,the dog "Charlie" belongs to her son,flowers are from her garden & travels 

You can visit her website at

A few weeks back I shared a little of the pottery class that my nieces & me took during  the last Art show,we should be picking up our makes within the next week

Our community college has open their theater back up to the public ,I enjoy a live play from time to time,we also have a Children's Theater ,back so many moons ago I have a nice that we followed her journey of plays for years,she's now 19 , pursuing a career in cosmotology & making plans for the future,eventhough going would be different now I'm thinking of going to a few that's coming up in the Summer starting with the Wizard of Oz , this coming weekend just 30 min from me  the the quilting guild is hosting a quilt show at the Civic Center 👀 I've never been to one that big! So lots of plans to kick off the Summer to get a little culture in my life🤣

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Amish Country Etheridge Tenn Trip

 I went on my first trip out of state since my husband passed,although there were other people on the bus there were  thoughts of excitement & nervousness all in one lol what started out to be a departure of 8am & return by 6pm turned into a 10 hr trip 2 ladies were almost an hr late one forgot her purse & they went all the way back to Mississippi ,some were upset that the bus waited that long,after all there was a schedule to keep,so now we're late but then something happened on the interstate & the bus got routed to the back roads,now we're 3 hrs behind ,they called the restaurant & explained "they close at 2" the manager saids no problem I'll stay open for y'all we'll  see you when you get here  so needless to say wrapping up we got back to Tuscaloosa at 9 pm 🤔I'm debating if I should play with these people again🤣 all in all it was a good day at the Amish country in Ethtidge Tenn

I'm the one holding the quilt,there's a funny story about that,wantta hear it? yea I thought you would😄 I'm the only one left inside & paying for the quilt as the lady's trying to fit it into a bag I noticed the group's out front fixing to take a pic,I tell the lady nevermind the sack it's not gonna fit I've got to go shes waving the sack at me saying it will fit ,I tell her look I'm so short they don't even know I'm not out there🤣she's persistent on the sack issue so I grab it & run out the door & holler how can y'all not know I'm not out here,one lady said I did! & was just fixing to poke my head in the door before you came out🤣 

All washed to give it that soft snuggly feel& for its photo shoot

just a out everybody got a big as life cabbage at one of the farms ,I called mine a bowling ball ,the name caught on & those who bought one were saying don't let me forget my bowling ball 🤣 oh & the garlic bread is heavenly! being cooked in a wood stove has got to be the secret!

I also got a sweet pincushion ,potholders & lavender & honey soap from some of the other  home farms

Being silly for my niece that loves me so & always makes sure I'm doing ok ,helps me figure things & encourages me to just take a deep breath & live!
white socks & tennis ,senior approved!🤣

Friday, June 14, 2024

National Flag Day

 Today's National Flag Day ,have you spotted many flags while out & about today? ,one spot that never disappoints is an area in front of our local Mall

Helpful Charts/Trip Update

 Thought you'd enjoy a few sizing guide charts

My trip to Etheridge Tenn to the Amish country with PARA  our VA park & recreation center got way off schedule due to problems on the interstate rerouting to back roads which out us almost 2 hrs late for the restaurant but they stayed opened for us , was supposed to had been back at 6 pm but the delays bumped it up to nearly 9 pm that's a long time to be on a bus 😄 more on all that later 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Day At The Lake

 We have Sadie this week for a few days ,I started the day making a pair of linen pants & there's something not quite right about the pockets 🤷 so I put them aside & took Grace & Sadie to the one of our local state parks 

On my stitching journal I'm attempting to make a weeping willow ,I've got the tree down but the branches are another story,perhaps I'm not concentrating  too good lol

Tomorrow I'll be going on my first  road trip to Amish country in Etridge Tenn with PARA

It's a rare thing when my omelette turns out ,today was one of those rare occasions😄

Sunday Inspiration