
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Quilting Decisions 🤷

 In less than two weeks I'll know if my incision completely closed then I can resume back to normal activities like sew sew sew & sew some more! If not a repeat & possible plastic surgery but I'm focusing & believing for option #1!

Meanwhile I went ahead & sewed up the last block of strips for the 16 patch which gives me an extra so that means one in the layout had to go because I really really like this one lol but all is not lost for it will be incorporated into the backing

I was watching a movie a few days ago & in one of the scenes there was a country quilt all done up in browns with a brown backing,I'm not sure why my brain doesn't go over to the dark side of quilting🤣 but seeing how rustic & pretty that was over decided to back the Christmas rusic top with brown but trying to decide whether to leave it  as an oversized lap or add one or two more rows to make it a full

there's there's a stack of scrappy blocks I made at random over the last few months ,sewn all together like I usually do it'll be a full size but I was thinking if I add sashing it'll be too big for my liking & my arm😄soooo all together (full) sashing & make 2🤔or I could make 2 laps🤣

This is the first quilt in the Bramble  Blooms quilt along , I originally planned for it to be a wall hanging over the church bench in the front entry in the Spring ,sooo🤔finish as is or add another border for full size 🤷

I'm not sure but I do know quilt #3 prompts will be announced Sept I think ,notice I didn't say #2🤣 yes I'm behind but that's ok once I'm clear of no possibility of another surgery I'm going to work on my quilts like a wild woman with a mission🤣🤣

Friday, August 30, 2024

A Little Progress

 I only had 4 sets of strips left to finish up blocks for the 16 patch block quilt 

I sewed 3 together & discovered I have one too many so I'll sew it together another day lol I'll leave them laid out in the other bedroom till I can work on sewing them together ,since I have an extra block I'll choose one I like the least "thats hard to do'' lol & incorate it into the backing

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ladies Paint Night

 Last night over 40 ladies of the church gathered for a fun night of fellowship & painting,we had no idea what the theme was to be

Paint the person in front of you 🙆my first response was I'm gonna need a pencil & eraser🤣they said no, I tried to argue to no avail 🤣I should have left well enough alone ,trying to do a background the poor thing looked like she was floating in the ocean ,in my defense I was working with one hand,that's my story & I'm sticking to it🤣 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Working On Layouts & The Big Book

 Working on a few layouts for the stitch journal,I was cutting out squares for potholders from this fall fabric & thought  🤔I could cut out some of those sunflowers ,so that's what I did 😄the black ovals will be bees "hopefully"😄

A lot of stitching round those sunflowers ,they don't call it slow stitching for nothing. 🤣 hopefully by the time I embellish the bird houses they won't look too bad,free hand is not my best talent lol

The jurys still out on the lace around the quilt block ,I'm thinking maybe blanket stitches around the block 

The big book!🤣 every page has history & real facts of the content so I feel like I'm reading two books lol but it's also very informative as you get a deeper perspective of her life ,in the show Little House Nellie is portrayed as the mean girl but on Laura's real life she was her best friend , the Nelsons were the first to help the family & they're Swedish,guess you could say I'm slow stitching & slow reading today 

Speaking of slow ,I'm slowly working my way around this quilt binding

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What The Chicken!

 There's a new chicken place near by"Food Sacklys" you choose 3 sauces with your meal,I tried theirs ,ranch & honey mustard,got some funny shots of the girls🐕🐕 taste testing😄

I've been working on my stitch journal ,hopefully will have some pages completed within the next few days 

I was watching a Christmas movie the other day 'yes I was"🤣 notice the quilt in the background? That's a embroidery flower  bouquet quilt,I have that quilt pattern downloaded & have dreaming about making it for a while,with all those tiny 1"squares it may stay in my dreams😄

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Cows! Cows! Cows!

 We have definitely not been in our routine since surgery on my arm ,my Grace 🐕is use to walks in the park, Sadie's back with us this weekend,I still have to not put any pressure on my arm  so with that said 😄 I took them riding around,Grace loves the fairy farm we usually get out & up close but not an option today,as the weather cools down more will be out but enough out today for a good little adventure 

On a sewing note, for the last couple of days I've gotten quite a few pages cut out for the slow stitch journal 

paint samples , weave block & star blocks are stitched & ready to be sewn to a page 

I think I have stop over thinking it & just going with it lol I'd seen the idea to put 2-5 pages per section & sew 2 sections together 

since I'm using muslin & a hint of batting I'm doing 5 of 15" x 6"sheets per section 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Working On A Little Slow Stitching

 Able to do a little stitching,arranging pages figuring out how to put them together

I've got a weave block ready for stitching ,I'll work on it & the paint squares tomorrow 

I found the cutest teeni tiny buttons at Hobby Lobby,I thought they'd be cute to incorporate in some of my slow stitch projects

I got the stitches out today so my arms a little sore,the middle didn't quite close up all the way so it had to get  steri strips on it,gotta keep it wrapped & go back in a month to make sure it's completely healed up

I still have to be easy with it ,no pulling or bumping it but on a glorious note my arm is cancer free PTL!  my niece that's a nurse has been the only one in the family brave enough & wanted to see my  stitches lol I've debated whether to show you guys so I'll just say if you don't wantta see ,click off now 🤣

It started out looking like a tiny speck & grew this big within 3 weeks,but praise the Lord he got it all ! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

How Do You Take Your Tea?

 Sweet? Unsweet? Hot? Cold? Iced? Cream? There are so many ways & varieties of flavors these days to enjoy tea,I rarely make  tea at home anymore because I like it sweet lol

I luv a good herbal tea ,I recently tried Yogi's sweet tangerine positive energy,I don't know about the energy part but the taste of tangerine is spot on! sometimes I use a larger cup & double dose myself 😄

This morning as I went to pull out the herbal teas I remembered way back many moons ago when I was  first introduced to the thought of cream in my coffee,I was like...👀🙊 turns out I liked it LOL so this morning my Earl Grey got a little milk & raw sugar

I know it's more fatning this way but oh so good on occasion "like sweet tea" 😄 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Today Marks His Birthday

 Today marks his 71st birthday ,it's still hard to believe it's only been eight years without him ,it's strange somehow to think that I'm now older than he was when he passed away ,the last thing he said to me was Happy Birthday I love you dearly,yes he passed on my birthday on 02/10/ 16,I am so very grateful & truly blessed to of shared 42 years of life with him,this December will mark our 50th,Aug/Feb/& Dec are milestones in my life but I know who holds my tomorrows & all is well with my soul

The kids use to ask us if we're were hippies,do we look like hippies?😄

Sunday Inspiration


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Just A Casual Day

 Taking just a few extra minutes in the kitchen & you've got yummy chicken Alfredo

Grace & Sadie were content to play outside & inside today,no adventures till I get these stitches out of my arm, 5 more days!

Sadie loves playing with Graces babies

Do you ever have those What was I thinking" moments?😄I did when I checked out this book lol 

it's a good read but I didn't pay close attention to the title " annotated autobiography " in the side margins in tiny print is explanation of every sentence you just read along with the history etc,I feel like I'm reading two books at the same time lol

I attempted to work on a little slow stitching today ,I'll try again tomorrow 😄


Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography also explores the history of the frontier that the Ingalls family traversed and the culture and life of the communities Wilder lived in. The book features over one hundred images, eight fully researched maps, and hundreds of annotations based on census data and other records, newspapers of the period, and other primary documents.

Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography is a publication of the Pioneer Girl Project, which is a research and publishing program of the South Dakota State Historical Society. For more information, visit

About the Author

Project Hauls & A Taste Of Fall

 I'm down to 5 more days to get everything ready for my Fall family/friends dinner,2 rooms to go for deep cleaning & decorating,ther...