
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Do You Do The Black & White Scale ?

 I've seen  suggestions to take a picture in black & white to determine color values in a quilt block layout, I swapped out one block & really didn't see a shade difference but then I may not know what I'm looking for😄

What do you think? does it look like a winner? I am however learning not ok trying not 🤣 to overthink the layout process & just get her done! 😄

Jumpsuit update, I'm nearing the end with just a few hours to go to submitting pictures & a review to Pattern Review 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

How Red Can They Get?


Seems the colder it gets the deeper red the male cardinals get,my yard is always full,although they flock together the males will only feed one at a time but will feed with their mate

All is quiet around the house since we took Sadie home so I took Grace to the park to see the trees,she luvs the attention & all the petting from people passing by

I had baked sweet potatoes earlier & debated whether or not to bake pies before going to bed 🤔 thinking how good a big ole slice would be with my coffee the next morning I decided to go for it 

At this point it's late & they're piping hot 🤔 just cover with foil & let them cool ,I was glad I may the right decision when I made coffee this morning 😄 now I've really got to jump on finishing that jumpsuit, December is filled to the brim with exciting traditions, I'm going to have to have a one on one spend a night in the sewing room🤣

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Few Moments In My Day

 For me it's still today because I'm still up but according to the clock it's already tomorrow "Tuesday" lol we had a cold spurt today so no sitting outside but I did catch a few shots of the cardinals,a blue juno & baby jays

The noon was just as glorious in the wee hours of the morning as the night

And here's a sneak peek at my ginger tree in the kitchen

Only a few days left to finish the jumpsuit challenge,so guess that'll be priority today

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Wishing You A Cozy Saturday


Happy Saturday! Are you still eating Thanksgiving leftovers? My friend Ree loaded me down with way too much along with chocolate cake,Carmel cake, sweet potato pie🤷 what to do with her! 🤣 colder weather is kicking in but that doesn't stop the girls energy 🐕🐕

They play hard & they nap hard 😄 so far it's been a laid back morning,just cleaning out cabinets & thinking about dragging the Christmas stuff out,there's mild thoughts of sewing on the jumpsuit challenge I signed up for ,silly me sewed one of the sleeves  in wrong side out🙆
I think I'll just sit here for a bit & ponder these thoughts over a cup of coffee 😄

Friday, November 24, 2023

First Signs Of Christmas

 I pray that each & everyone of you had  a wonderful Thanksgiving,I miss the leftover turkey all ready,they bout ate it all!🤣 I like a good monticrisco sandwich the day after🤷oh well guess I'll hit up the deli 😄 Sadie is getting to be a regular for the holidays lol getting these two to look at the same time is priceless

I spent Thanksgiving with nieces & nephews ,it was a good day

,later I took Grace & Sadie riding in the truck for Christmas lights adventures

Are you going to get out in the black Friday madness sales? I may go & go only to Joann's for quilt batting😄but for now I'm cleaning out kitchen cabinets  & staying home where it's safe🤣

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Sunsets Pizza & Icecream

 Back in the day Thanksgiving Eve was just as exciting as Thanksgiving Day but things change,life changes,my bestie & me always get together a day or so before hand & have a big cooking & baking day but this year she is sick,poor thing had to cancel Thanksgiving with her family

This was my big pre Thanksgiving cooking day🤣🤣

Sadie🐕 is still with us ,her & Grace🐕 woke me up early so coffee & muffins were in order,now they're snoozing & I'm awake👀👀 I may work on my jumpsuit project before heading out to my nieces house this evening

Wishing all of you a very happy Thanksgiving ,stay safe! & be blessed!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

RSC Top Finished

That's a wrap people! As they say!🤣 It won't win any ribbons 🤔wait is there a category how to not make a quilt🤣let's review short version shall we?
*last yrs scrappy challenge
*all was well
* downsized houses
* wrong!
*scrap bin
*recoverd & redesigned mess & all
*added borders
*not my best
*I can live with that

Sadie hung in there with me till the end!

It will get quilted sometime next week after things settle down from holidays ,it is in a safe place from the scrap bin 😄

this is this year's scrappy challenge,Terry Rowland is encouraging me to add a border 🤔but I just finished almost 300 blocks😄

So there will be 2 quilts coming up to the finish line for the new year,we will not focus on rights or wrongs but finishes😁
This side of my sewing room is making me happy!

It's a rainy day here this morning but Sadie & me are having coffee & banana nut bread muffins 

On a sewing note ,there's just less than 2 weeks to pull together my jumpsuit,a challenge that I jumped into 🤔 why do I do these things,I have never worn a jumpsuit in my life🤣 

Monday, November 20, 2023

Quilt Redemption & Our Sadie Girl

 Last year for The Rainbow Scrappy Quilt Challenge I decided to do little houses ,you can type in little houses  in the search if you wantta investigate their journey 😄 let's review & catch up🤔 didn't like the dark navy,had a wild hair to cut all the houses down,that didn't work out according to plan lol ,got thrown in the scrap bin,now we're here a year later,outta the scrap bin & said it is what it is , ,redid the layout ,another border or two & I'll get it quilted up

Sadie's patents had to be outta town ,,so we will enjoy her throughout the holidays,her & Grace has played like it's been forever since they've seen each other 🤔like 2 weeks forever lol

Sadies helping me make border decisions for the little houses quilt lol

there's a whole lot wrong with this quilt because of my wild hair & I started to trash it but it's not on display not a gift & ugly keeps you warm just the same as pretty🤣 but I will redeem myself in time to come & turn out one glorious little house quilt!🤣

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Just One More Chance Little House

 Last years RSC  fell victim to too much over thinking lol the navy strips   inbetween were off setting the look then that could of just been me but I took it all apart lol then something processed me to cut the houses down 🙆they finally went into the scrappy scrap bin to be chopped up for future projects,I have taken pitty on them & pulled them out ,whatever will be will be, there'll be a top whatever their outcome by Monday 🤣

speaking of overthinking I've got to get a move on & get the applique for the Bramble Blooms QAL ,I thought I'd about settled for a simple something that I could halfway free hand lol then the thought to capture an older pic that's been in the family as long as I can remember but when I reread  the QAL post 👀 what you do at this point may be repeated throughout the 3 quilts sooo back to overthinking that process 😄

back to the original drawing board 😄

on a brighter note I caught My Jay this morning, he's an early bird & doesn't like his picture taken😄

so how's your weekend going?

Friday, November 17, 2023

Busy Morning With A Beautiful Ending

 The morning started out with final decisions of the layout of the little house quilt, some good ole tomatoes,onion & cabbage soup simmering while banana nut breads baking,then off to the park 

Sunday Inspiration